Use "except|excepted|excepting|excepts" in a sentence

1. Barring definition, excepting; except for: Barring accidents, I'll be there

2. Synonyms: except for, excepting, other than, excluding More Synonyms of Apart from

3. Synonyms: except for, saving, bar, excepting More Synonyms of Barring COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary.

4. Synonyms: except for, saving, bar, excepting More Synonyms of Barring COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary.

5. Jeremy excepted, the men seemed personable.

6. Synonyms for Barring include bar, excepting, excluding, saving, except for, besides, apart from, aside from, discounting and other than

7. As verbs the difference between excepting and Accepting is that excepting is while Accepting is

8. 14 synonyms for Barring: except for, saving, bar, excepting, apart from, but for, other than, excluding, besides, omitting, save for, exclusive of

9. I excepted him from my invitation.

10. Barring: Apart from the occurrence of; excepting

11. History excepted, Peter has made good progress in all subjects this term.

12. Excepting the last paragraph, the book is finished.

13. O'Rourke answered all the questions excepting the last one.

14. He called Ball's dialogue "tart" and said the characters—Carolyn excepted—were "deeply drawn".

15. The crew on the ship were all saved excepting the captain.

16. We all had to take part in the training run, with nobody excepted.

17. Customs working hours from Mon to Sun, 24 hours run excepting bank holidays.

18. At present, anything excepting specifically blacklisted substances can be dumped at sea.

19. Elizabethan "Amourists," Shakespeare, always and in every circumstance exceptional, being here excepted

20. All regular paid labour (excepting the holding’s salaried manager) is aggregated under this heading.

21. All the people who were on the aircraft have now been identified, excepting one.

22. Being excepted or excluded from consideration: All joking Aside, can you swim two miles? n

23. The sanctions ban the sale of any products excepting medical supplies and food.

24. The smoked beers and ales of the West Country were famous for being undrinkable – locals and the desperate excepted.

25. As a preposition Barring is unless something happens; excepting; in the absence of.

26. It is a desert with no animals of any kind, excepting a few lizards.

27. All regular paid labour (excepting the holding’s salaried manager) is aggregated under this heading

28. All regular paid labour (excepting the holding's salaried manager) is aggregated under this heading.

29. The above table indicates that only 1/30 of the permitted excepted quantity is permitted in inner packaging as de minimis quantity for substances assigned the E1 and E2 alphanumeric code whereas those assigned the E4 and E5 code are permitted 100% the excepted quantity.

30. All in anthropic history would become smoke and cloud through your eyes excepting immortal culture.

31. Apart from the occurrence of; excepting: Barring strong headwinds, the plane will arrive on schedule.

32. The region closely matches the area of the Northwest Territory, excepting a portion of Minnesota.

33. By far its most picturesque feature (not excepting even the mosque courtyards) is its great Bazaar

34. In excepting the metal, he urged hungries and their ministration to increase development assistants for agriculture.

35. The source of meat for much of this region (excepting Japan) has traditionally been the pig.

36. Excepting share a yacht or pot luck boats, those who wish to use them carry them.

37. In the postulated Pangaea, the present-day continents were all much farther south than now, excepting Antarctica.

38. Except snakes.

39. The purpose of Lesson 1 is to provide an overview of Cyber Excepted Service (CES) HR Elements Course in general

40. She is the most successful physician and most effectual Benefactress our little one ever enjoyed -- her doting parents not excepted

41. From the year 1517 the spiritual direction of the Poor Clares, the Colettines not excepted, was given to the Observants

42. Corporate reorganizations are excepted from ISRA Applicability if they meet two basic concepts based on the four factors listed below

43. If the "Zeppelin" be excepted, the Blimp is the most highly-developed and scientific heavier-than-air flying machine ever devised

44. Units in various areas used their own way of painting the aircraft excepting the Geschwaderkennung alphanumeric unit identifiers.

45. Except maybe hopelessness.

46. Except... funny thing.

47. Except the color.

48. Dairy analogues except drinks

49. Except perhaps these gardens.

50. Air transport services of passengers and freight, except transport of mail || 73 (except 7321)

51. Individuals except through Birdbrains

52. Except for that tail.

53. Except as a soldier.

54. Except for the poem.

55. Except for the cancer.

56. I'm fairly new to Excel, I have one spreadsheet that already has Bar codes but it only excepts upper case letters, I don't know how to change the formula to …

57. Little vegetation except short grass.

58. Except those insurance company crooks.

59. Except for " The Cheap Trick. "

60. There's nobody here except cowards...

61. Except for the pocket square.

62. a) Qualified opinion (“except for”

63. everything except old Snowball here.

64. Except for me, I'm waterproof.

65. Except for Bavenod, the navigator.

66. “No Authority Except by God”

67. Forced everyone out except him.

68. No admittance except on business.

69. No one except for Derrick.

70. Except for my hip, maybe.

71. Except Njala and the Service.

72. Except when marital duties call.

73. Alarm devices (except for vehicles)

74. Except for the main gate.

75. Except for one tiny detail...

76. Except it's much more sophisticated.

77. They killed everyone, except me.

78. They all came except Matt.

79. Apart from Except for; excluding

80. Except that one we planted.